2012 Results
~~~ Our Show Team for 2012 ~~~ The Boys George - Aust. GRAND Ch. Haydengold Power of One Bruce - Haydengold Glory Days (AI) Hugo - Aust. Ch. Haydengold High Hopes (owned & handled by Cate Williams) Florence - Aust. Ch. Haydengold Fall from Grace (AI) Charity - Aust. Ch. Haydengold Generous Love (AI) Aimee - Haydengold Amazing Grace (AI) Scarlett - Haydengold One Step Ahead (owned & handled by Cate Williams) __________________________________________________________________________ Sunday 2nd December 2012 Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA - All Breeds Championship Show Judge: Mr Nick Gouzos (SA) Aimee - BEST BABY PUPPY IN GROUP Scarlett - Reserve Bitch Challenge & Best Puppy in Breed ~~~ Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th November 2012 Millicent Kennel Club Inc Sunday 4th Judge: Mrs M Markotany (NSW) Bruce - BEST of BREED (12 Points) Aimee - BEST BABY PUPPY in GROUP ~~ Suturday 3rd - PM Show Judge: Mrs Raye Tassie (SA) Bruce - Dog Challenge (9 Points) & R/Up BEST of BREED Aimee - BEST BABY PUPPY in GROUP ~~ Saturday - AM Show Judge: Ms C Camac (VIC) Bruce - Reserve Challenge & R/Up BEST of BREED Aimee - BEST BABY PUPPY in GROUP ________________________________________________ Saturday 13th October 2012 The Golden Retriever Club of Victoria Inc Championship Show Judge: Mr Eivind Mjaerum (Norway) Bruce: 4th Place Junior Dog Class (Class of 11 Juniors) ______________________________________ Sunday 30th September- Monday 1st October 2012 Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc Monday 1st Oct Judge: Mr R Cleland (SA) Charity - Bitch Challenge, Best Australian Bred of Breed & Championship Title!! Sunday 30th Sep (AM Show) Judge: Mr A Brown (QLD) Charity - Bitch Challenge & R/Up BEST of BREED Bruce - Reserve Dog Challenge & Junior of Breed (PM Show) Judge: Mr D Strachan (NSW) Charity - Best Aust Bred of Breed Bruce - Best Junior of Breed __________________________________________________________ 22nd & 23rd September 2012 Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc Sat 22nd (AM Show) Judge: Ms L Stalhandske (NSW) Bruce - Dog Challenge, BEST of BREED & BEST in GROUP 4th Charity - Bitch Challenge & R/Up BEST of BREED ~~ Sat 22nd (PM Show) Judge: Mr T Tancred (NSW) Charity - Bitch Challenge & BEST of BREED Bruce - Dog Challenge & R/Up BEST of BREED ~~ Sun 23rd Judge: Mrs B Killworth (NSW) Charity - Bitch Challenge & BEST of BREED Bruce - Dog Challenge & R/Up BEST of BREED ~~ 7th September 2012 Royal Adelaide Show Judge: Mrs Collette Muldoon (Ireland) Bruce - Best Junior Dog George - 2nd Open Dog Class ~~~~~~~ Sunday 26th August 2012 Caninie Fanciers Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mr D Swift (NZ) Charity - Bitch Challenge (11 Points) & R/Up BEST of BREED, Best Junior in Breed ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 4th August 2012 The Golden Retriever Club of South Australia Inc Championship Show Judge: Mrs Sandra Birkin-Green (Sansue) UK Bruce - ** BEST PUPPY IN SHOW ** Scarlett - 2nd Baby Puppy Bitch Class (Class of 9 babies) George - 3rd Open Dog Class Charity - 3rd Puppy Bitch Class Hugo - 3rd State Bred Dog Class ~~~~~~~ 28th July 2012 Marion Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mrs P Lanctot (Canada) Charity - Bitch Challenge (13 Points) & Best Puppy in Breed Bruce - 1st Junior Dog Class George - 3rd Open Dog Class ~~~ 27th July 2012 Marion Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mr D Markus (Canada) George - RCC & Runner up Best of Breed Charity - Bitch Challenge (14 Points) & Best Puppy in Breed Bruce -1st Junior Dog Class ~~~ 7th July 2012 Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mrs J Hocking (VIC) George - BEST of BREED & GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE!!! Charity - Bitch Challenge, R/UP Best of Breed & Puppy of Breed ~~ 30th June 2012 Junior Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mr K Iggleden (QLD) George - BEST of BREED Charity - Reserve Bitch Challenge and Puppy of Breed ____ 15th - 17th June 2012 Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc Sunday Judge: Mr R Besoff (NSW) George - BEST of BREED (12 Points) Hugo - Runner Up BEST of BREED Charity - BEST PUPPY IN GROUP Bruce - Best Junior in BREED ~~ Saturday Judge: Mrs D Besoff (NSW) Hugo - BEST of BREED (13 Points) George - Runner Up BEST of BREED Charity - Best Puppy in BREED Bruce - Best Junior in BREED ~~ Friday Judge: Ms S Lane (NSW) Charity - Bitch Challenge (7 Pts) & BEST PUPPY IN GROUP Bruce - BEST JUNIOR IN GROUP ~~ 10th June 2012 S.A. Sporting Dog Club Inc Judge: Mr E Doyle (NZ) George - Reserve Dog Challenge Charity - BEST PUPPY IN GROUP
1st - 3rd June 2012 Winter International Championship Show Friday Judge: Ms J Bateman (Canada) Charity - BEST PUPPY in BREED ~~~ Saturday Judge: Mrs S Kealy (Ireland) Bruce - RCC, Runner up BEST of BREED & BEST PUPPY in BREED Charity - 1st Puppy Bitch Class George - 2nd Open Dog Class ~~~ Sunday Judge Mr S Wilberg (Norway) George - 2nd Open Dog Class ~~~~
Southern District K & O Club Inc Judge: Mrs K Cannon (NSW) Bruce - BEST of BREED (12 Points) & BEST PUPPY in GROUP Charity - BCC (9 Points) & R/Up BEST of BREED ~~~ 26th May 2012 Southern Districts K & O Club Inc Judge Mrs J Harvey (VIC) George - Reserve Challenge Dog Charity - BEST MINOR PUPPY IN GROUP Bruce - 1st Puppy Dog Class _____________________ 4th May 2012 Dublin Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mrs S Byrne (NZ) George - BEST of BREED (17 Points) __________________________________________________ 26th February 2012 Naracoote Kennel Club Inc Judge: Mr G Kerr (QLD) George - BEST of BREED (9 Points) Florence - Bitch Challenge (8 Points) & R/Up BEST of BREED Bruce - Best Baby Puppy in Breed Charity - 1st Baby Puppy Bitch _______________________________________________
3rd, 4th & 5th February 2012 Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc - Championship Shows Sunday (5th) Judge:- Mr T Alexandra (Canada) George - R/Up BEST of BREED Charity - 1st Baby Puppy Bitch Class Saturday (4th) Judge:- Ms G Taylor (Canada) George - BEST of BREED (18 Points) Florence - Reserve Bitch Challenge Friday (3rd) Judge:- Mr S Kimura (Japan) Florence - Bitch Challenge (11 Points) Bruce - BEST BABY PUPPY of BREED Charity - 1st Baby Puppy Bitch Class ~~~
7th & 8th January 2012 Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA - Championship Shows Sunday 8th Judge: Mrs R Tassie (SA) Charity - Best Baby Puppy of Breed Bruce - 1st Baby Puppy Dog Class ~~~
Judge: Mr B Luxton (SA) Hugo - Reserve Dog Challenge & R/Up Best of Breed ~~~
Saturday 7th
Florence - Reserve Dog Challenge
George - Reserve Dog Challenge We are now located in Whitwick North West Leicestershire Mobile: 07873 602867 E-Mail: [email protected]