Show Results 2016
~~~ Our Show Team for 2016 ~~~ The Boys Louis - Kerrien Bound for Glory at Haydengold JW Keepa - SH CH Haydengold Keepa Secret with Garvin JW (Owned by Freda Garget & Patrick Morriss) The Girls Aimee - Haydengold Amazing Grace (Imp Aus) Kandy - Haydengold Kandy Kisses JW Paris - Haydengold Say It With Love Charlotte - Haydengold Say It Like This _________________________________________________ 11th December 2016 Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show Judge: Mrs Sandra Green (Sansue) Keepa: 1st Mid Limit Dog Critique: MLD (7,2a) 1 Garget & Morris’ Haydengold Keepa Secret with Garvin JW, quality boy with gorgeous head & expression. Balanced outline with good front & rear angulation, short coupled. Moved truly; Paris: 5th Puppy Bitch (24,3a)
20th November 2016 Burton on Trent Kennel Association Open Show Judge: Carol Oldring Paris: 1st Puppy, Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy Gundog Group (PG1) Critique: P (6,1a) A lovely class of youngsters. 1 Haydengold Say It With Love, 9 months mid gold bitch in super condition, beautiful head, good length of neck to well laid back shoulders, balanced throughout, good bone & neat feet, level topline which she kept on the move. Pleased to see she went PG1; ____________
12th November 2016 Gundog Breeds of Scotland Championship Show Judges:- Dogs: Richard Stafford Bitches: Mrs Sholz (Germany) Louis: 2nd Post Graduate Dog Keepa: 2nd Limit Dog Paris: 5th Puppy Bitch ___________
6th November 2016 Berkshire Downs & Chilterns GRC Championship Show Judge - Bitches: Gloria Gargan Paris: 1st Puppy bitch, 1st Maiden bitch, 1st Novice bitch & 1st Undergraduate bitch _____________
29th October 2016 Midland Counties Championship Show Judge: Emma Archibald Keepa: 1st Limit, Dog CC & SH Championship Title!! Critique: LD (19,5) 1 Garget & Morris’ Haydengold Keepa Secret With Garvin, masculine head & expression with excellent dark eye & pigment. Well angulated front with a good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders. Good spring of rib & width of stifle. Level topline, covered the ground with ease. Presented in excellent coat & condition. Delighted to award him his third CC; Louis: 4th Graduate ______________
12th October 2016 Gundog Society of South Wales Championship Show Judges:- Dogs: Roy Maynard Bitches: Margaret Woods (Amirene) Louis: 1st Graduate Dog Critique: G (7,2) 1 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, this young lad was another who caught my eye & was pleasing to over. Well turned out & presented in fine coat & condition. I liked his head with pleasing expression, really good reach of neck, with straight front, good in shoulder placement & nice tight feet. He has a level topline flowing through to a correct tailset, with a well made rear assembly. His driving movement was both true & sound; Paris 4th Minor Puppy Bitch _________
30th September 2016 Driffield Agricultural Society Championship Show Judge: Mrs Pauline Barnes Louis - 1st Post Graduate Dog Critique:- PGD (17,4) 1 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, eyecatching boy in super coat & condition, kind head, good reach of neck, correct shoulder placement, deep in chest, moved well; Paris - 3rd Minor Puppy Bitch _______________
25th September 2016 Easter Counties GRC Championship Show Judges: Miss Cheryl Bawden (Dogs) Mr Jose Doval (Bitches) Louis - 3rd Graduate Dog Paris - 3rd Minor Puppy Bitch (Cruft Qualification 2017) ___________ 24th September 2016 Northern GRC Open Show Judge: Mrs Penny Lane-Ridyard Louis: 1st Post Graduate Dog Critique: 1 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, a well made dog with a well proportioned head, good reach of neck & level topline & correct tailset. Standing he presented a pleasing balanced outline & he moved out well & at one with his handler. He was well presented in profuse coat. Paris 2nd Minor Puppy Bitch Critique: 2 List’s Haydengold Say It With Love, a tight decision between 1 & 2, & although this bitch is a little older she was not quite as grown up as 1 but I liked her a lot. She is well made with a pretty golden coat & very balanced body. Lovely quarters, straight back pasterns & neat tight feet. __________ 18th September 2016 Darlington Championship Show Judge: Mrs Carol Benson Charlotte: 4th Minor Puppy Bitch ______________ 15th September 2016 Thame & Oxfordshire County CS Open Show Judge: Kerrie Kelly (Zenevieva) Paris: 2nd Puppy D/B class __________ 4th September City of Birmingham Championship Show Judges: Mrs Lynsey Maynard (Dogs) Mrs Su Jolly (Bitches) Keepa: 3rd Mid Limit Dog Louis: 4th Graduate Dog Charlotte: 3rd Minor Puppy Bitch _____________ 29th August 2016 Leicester City Canine Association Open Show Judge: Becky Johnson (Downstream) Paris 3rd Puppy D/B Class (12 entries) ___________ 17th August 2016 United Retriever Club Championship Dog Show Judge Mrs Pat Taylor Louis 4th Graduate Dog _____________ 14th August 2016 Bournemouth Championship Show Judge: Mrs Pam Blay Louis: 1st Graduate Dog Critique: 1 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, he won the class on his free & effortless movement, he looked stunning in profile with his correct head carriage & strong topline & well carried tail, loved his masculine head & expression, well bodied with an excellent neck & shoulders, he is balanced & quality, now I see who his sire is I can see why he appealed! In excellent coat & condition, showed well to win a good class; Charlotte: 1st Minor Puppy Bitch (Crufts Qualification 2017) Critique: 1 List’s Haydengold Say It Like This, what a little poppet! Has so much going for her for she is beautiful, so very typical for a Golden of her age, she is balanced & a lovely type, in good coat for age which was well presented, such a pretty head & expression, with lovely neck & shoulders, good topline & tailset & despite her age she moved well, She made me smile for she appealed as a pup with lots of potential, hope she fulfils this early promise for she has a lot going for her; ______________ 6th August 2016 Paignton Championship Show Judge: Mrs Audrey Richardson Louis: 2nd Graduate Dog Critique: 2 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, well made dog with a dense coat. Straight front. Well angulated & lovely bone & feet. Masculine well proportioned head & lovely dark eye. Strong hocks which he used to advantage on the move. Lovely type; Charlotte: 4th Minor Puppy Bitch ____________ 3rd August 2016 Bakewell Open Show Judge: Ms Carron Jenkins Paris - 2nd Puppy D/B class _____________ 10th July 2016 East of England Championship Show Judge: Mrs Pat Tuck Louis 2nd Graduate Dog Critique: 2 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, very happy boy in lovely coat. Nice head soft expression, good length of neck & level topline. Short coupled with good ribcage, must not carry any more weight. Moved out well on nice neat feet; ______________ 28th May 2016 Bath Championship Show Judge: Marlene Sillence Louis VHC Graduate Dog _____________ 22nd May 2016 Coventry & DKA Open Show Judge: Joan Dawes (Kensalroag) Louis - 2nd Post Graduate __________ 14th May 2016 Redditch & DCS Open Show Judge: Jane Eyeington Louis 2nd Post Graduate __________ 2nd April 2016 Northern Golden Retriever Club Championship Show Judges: Dogs: Mrs Sue Norris (Molestream) Bitches: Mrs H Gripton Louis: 2nd Yearling Dog Class Critique: 2 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, lovely cream boy who was not cooperating with his owner today. Masculine head with soft expression & lovely expressive eyes. Quality bone & tight feet. Short in couplings & well made throughout. Well muscled second thigh. Not in full coat today. Moved with a good stride maintaining a level topline & correct coming & going but not as steady as 1 Keepa: 2nd Mid Limit Dog Class Kandy: VHC Graduate Bitch Class ______________________
11th March 2016 Crufts Championship Show Judge: Mrs Hilary Lambshead Keepa: 2nd Mid Limit Dog _____________
28th February 2016 Southern Golden Retriever Club Championship Show Judge: Mrs Ann Hagger (Fairfield) Keepa: 1st Mid-Limit, CC & BEST IN SHOW!!! Best in Show line up ____________________
14th February 2016 Golden Retriever Club of Wales Championship Show Judges: Mrs P Edwards (Dogs) Mrs F Marshall (Bitches) Keepa - RDCC & Reserve BEST IN SHOW!! Louis - 1st Graduate Dog & 2nd Yearling Dog Classes Critique: 2 List’s Kerrien Bound For Glory at Haydengold, close up to 1, not quite the coat condition, short coupled balanced outline, when settled very sound mover with precise footfall. Excellent forehand, good depth & spring of rib; Kandy - 2nd Post Graduate Bitch Class Critique: 2 List’s Haydengold Kandy Kisses, another eyecatching girl with coat of varying shades to a mid-gold. Most pleasing type of correct balance & construction. Loveliest head & eye. Good layback of shoulder giving correct angulation. Pleasing spring of rib, strong & short coupled in loin. Correct tailset & hind angulation giving a super profile & free easy movement;
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